Restricting O365 Group/Team Creation & Governance Policies

Bit of a false start to my post-hiatus work with back to back child viruses being passed onto me has put me behind a bit. A throwback to Last Tuesday, that titbit of exciting news teased in the last blog is that I have joined Adam Fowler and Brett Moffett as a budding associate in co-hosting … Continue reading Restricting O365 Group/Team Creation & Governance Policies

Get-Process -Name “Hiatus” | Stop-Process

So it's been a while. Can't say I'm happy with the blank period, but things get in the way; like depression, anxiety and illness, leading to gateways of gaming and drinking (not to be mistaken with not being bothered...and each person has their way to deal/cope). In any case, it's time to crawl back out … Continue reading Get-Process -Name “Hiatus” | Stop-Process

Feb ’19 – Restricting O365 Group Creation Redux

Here is my belated update on the Process to Restrict the Creation of O365 Groups, after my previous post which featured mainly the AzureADPreview Module, the Global Availability of AzureAD Module is now in production. Through my testing I found that some bits (cmdlets) have and haven't changed; on the safe side I have the Preview … Continue reading Feb ’19 – Restricting O365 Group Creation Redux

October 2018 – Debut at AMITPC Meetup

First presentation to the Adelaide Microsoft IT Pro Community Meetup group on PowerShell for Office 365. On October 2nd (1st in the States) with NinjaCat badge (4th Anniversary of Windows Insider) and excited nerves, the group was taken from level 100 to 300 in the space of the hour. From the feedback, I am glad … Continue reading October 2018 – Debut at AMITPC Meetup