AMITPC – August 2023 Meetup

As promised, here are the links for the topics covered during the Adelaide Microsoft IT Pro Community User Group from 15th August 2023. In addition, here is the recording, which includes Announcements from Microsoft Inspire2023 + What's New, What's Old and What's Coming and my recount of the DWC AU 2023

AMITPC – October 2022 Meetup

As promised, here are the links for the topics covered during the Adelaide Microsoft IT Pro Community User Group from 11th October 2022. In addition, here is the recording, which includes Pete Calvert's topic, "Presentation Tips for the Rest of Us":

Get-Process -Name “Hiatus” | Stop-Process

So it's been a while. Can't say I'm happy with the blank period, but things get in the way; like depression, anxiety and illness, leading to gateways of gaming and drinking (not to be mistaken with not being bothered...and each person has their way to deal/cope). In any case, it's time to crawl back out … Continue reading Get-Process -Name “Hiatus” | Stop-Process