Happy ‘Stay Smart Online’ Hump Day

Following on from my previous post on phishing we are now in Stay Smart Online Week – an initiative delivered by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) focusing on the theme of ‘Reverse the Threat’ of cybercrime along with empowering Australians to take control and secure their online identity.

The Australian Government | Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) is providing resources on identifying scams, creating strong passwords and enabling multi-factor authentication. There is a phishing quiz and more at http://www.staysmartonline.gov.au/reversethethreat

The ACSC has also compiled a list of mitigation strategies, aptly named the Essential Eight – for more information and understanding of the maturity levels of the Essential Eight, visit the ACSC publication here.

Image from Huntsman Security

At the Adelaide Microsoft IT Pro Community Meetup yesterday, we had Brett Moffett deliver a presentation on securing support teams with the right tools and complying with some of the mitigation strategies of the Essential Eight.
Brett also delivered this presentation last week at the itSMF Conference Roadshow 2019 Q3 for South Australia and the week before in Western Australia.

Featured image from https://www.staysmartonline.gov.au/reversethethreat

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