October 2018 – Debut at AMITPC Meetup

First presentation to the Adelaide Microsoft IT Pro Community Meetup group on PowerShell for Office 365.
On October 2nd (1st in the States) with NinjaCat badge (4th Anniversary of Windows Insider) and excited nerves, the group was taken from level 100 to 300 in the space of the hour.

From the feedback, I am glad that quite a few of the attendees managed to learn a thing or two and received some constructive feedback on delivery.

And of course, no Meetup is complete without a post-talk SharePint!

Information and link to Slides and PowerShell Commands/Scripts can be found at https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/Adelaide-Microsoft-ITPro-Community/events/254877214/

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Looking forward to presenting again to the Meetup Group.

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