August 2018 – SharePoint Hub Sites

SharePoint Online Hub sites are now rolled out 100% to all tenants. In themselves they are a combination of Teams and Communications site which can then have multiple Teams and Communications sites associated to them.

So had a play with this – in our production SharePoint of course – and found that you cannot convert the classic Team or Portal sites to Hub sites.

So with existing and new test Teams and Communications Sites, some testing was done.

Before we begin, make sure you install the SharePoint Online Management Shell

Connect-SPOService -Url ""

Sign in with your Global Admin credentials

To convert an existing Teams or Communications Site:

Register-SPOHubSite -Site

The site’s appearance will change slightly once this has successfully processed.

We can review our Hub sites with


And if you want to change it back from Hub site to Teams or Communications site use

Unregister-SPOHubSite -Identity

For those looking to be able to create entire Hub sites and associated sites with specific permissions, check out Create hub sites with PowerShell

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